Tuesday, November 30


Despite my best efforts to highlight my special circumstances that I should be allowed to buy a new flat on my own through many offices, HDB is very relucant to accede to my appeal. The official stand was that the public housing policies are pro-family in orientation. With limited resources and subsides available, the priority is given to the housing needs of families. As an individual do not form a family unit, there wouldn't be any exception. This reply came after writing a really long and bare it all letter to the highest office the state has.

As for the rental tenancy of the current flat, the reply was that the branch office would need to know more about my income and savings before considering granting a FINAL term tenancy.

Hmmm I got a bit agitated. I went to the branch office this very afternoon to seek some assurance after my branch cohesion. I would need some kinda of confirmation badly, I have exactly 2 months left to move out if I got to. So I got assured that the FINAL term tenancy of another 2 years would be granted when the extension is due in the coming weeks.

Well does it solve the problem? The same old problem remains. Just another temporary housing solution. Not that the long term housing solution that I really crave for. And it being the FINAL term tenancy means that I would definitely move out by Jan 2013 if I am single and earning more than the salary ceiling. I would be only 28, going 29. The same old problem remains. I would be still be caught in the middle of nowhere between the public housing policies. Still 6,7 years away from the magical age of 35. It doesn't solve the problem at all.

They just keep expecting and encouraging me to go find a spouse. I almost wanted to ask the young female officer if she is still single. Hahaha jokes aside, there were mentions of my sister. I do not know how these people can still expect me being in good terms with my sister after her confession connecting her with the death of my late mother.

I guess that this is no point to get really upset over this matter. I will just take this into my stride, and extend the rental tenancy for the last time when it is due pretty soon.

But I am definitely not letting the matter go so easily. There is a flaw in our public housing policies which needs to be fixed. With the rising of divorce rates, increase in single parent family, dsyfunctional and low income families, but the children are now receiving better education and be able to secure good employment based on merit. I am pretty sure that there would be more such cases in the coming years. And I would be fighting for what I think is only right. It is not for myself anymore, it's for the rest of dsyfunctional and low income families. To be caught in the middle of nowhere between the public housing policies after climbing up the social ladder is just so wrong. Machiam sending the wrong signals that we should have just stay happily as "dsyfunctional and low income families".

I sincerely believe that there should be some type of safety net in place, maybe interim rental till the age of 35 for the child if something happened to the parent. Or some kinda of options to buy the current rental flat, or a new flat, which is now lacking in our housing system.

Sounds like mission impossible for a nobody to make it happen. Haha but one must dare to dream.

Oh ya, if you are going through a divorce, or you know of friends going through a divorce. Please strongly encourage them to buy a flat if can afford. Please do not rent a place, not even from HDB. I am sure that you wouldn't want your only son or daughter to be in my shoes now after you are no longer around. Please do not commit the same mistake that my late mother had.

1 comment:

radiancepiano said...

Hi Yoke Thye,

Huiyun here, from Beatty Sec Sch. Not sure if you still remember me!

Anyway, I was nosing around facebook and landed at your blog after going through your FB profile.

I've read some of your posts and I feel so sorry for all that you have had to go through. It is terrible how Singapore does not accommodate people from all different financial and situational backgrounds. And what's worse is that it seems almost impossible to have your opinions and pleas heard by the Singapore government!

I really hope your housing issue and other things get approved and sorted out soon. Stay strong and positive!

My heart goes out to you,