Saturday, November 28


Have been visiting toilet on such regular visits that I lost count for the past 36 hours. To prevent dehydration, I drank quite a lot of isotonic drinks, but in a way, it kinda make it worst. I dunno what happened. My urine output is almost none even after those drinks, everything was coming out from the rear. Things have improved slightly this morning, at least there is a bit of output from the front. Hopefully it would get better, would be meeting my secondary school class mates for a catch up session.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For maximum hydration and electrolyte replacement when ill I suggest you try elete - a sports drink concentrate specially created for the purposes of achieving optimum hydration. I do not think it will go straight through you ot upset your stomach any further.

An independent trial has shown that if elete is used with water, 40% less water is used to hydrate the body effectively when compared to drinking water alone.

It comprises the four electrolytes in charged ionic form (sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride) which are necessary for effective hydration plus 70 other trace and ultra-trace minerals. Nothing else is added.

elete sould be added to water or any drink (hot or cold) and can also be added to food.

It is 100% natural with no calories, sugar, carbs, sweeteners, proteins.

You can learn more by looking at the elete website at . It’s also excellent value - only 32.5p to make a 500ml sports drink. It is also avaialble in the US.